Quadrangle Endoscopy Center specializes in same-day procedures that allow patients to complete their procedures in an efficient and safe environment. We have provided quality care to thousands of patients in the eastern North Carolina area since 1994.
QEC is staffed with highly trained professionals who specialize in outpatient endoscopy care. All QEC physicians are board certified in their specialties. Registered nurses and medical technicians are professionally trained in GI and Pulmonary endoscopy and recovery care. The staff at QEC is committed to providing you the quality care you deserve.
Designed exclusively for outpatient endoscopy, QEC uses Olympus’ state-of-the-art endoscopy equipment, including Narrow Band Imaging (NBI), which enhances visibility for the detection of polyps and intestinal abnormalities, while providing the highest quality endoscopic services and the most cost efficient care possible.
Specializing in
- GI and Pulmonary Endoscopy
- Outpatient Endoscopy Care
- Recovery Care
Contact Us
Endoscopy – Quadrangle Endoscopy Center
1850 W Arlington Blvd, Greenville, NC 27834, USA
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Arlington Campus Entrance: N/A
Phone: 252-757-3636
Fax: 252-752-7351